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Multimedia used in Education

This paper present how we can applied multimedia elements in a way which it can be used for educational purpose. The traditional approach of learning system that had been used for the last generation had proved to be helpful. However, with the help of multimedia, it can help enhancing our educational system and make learning to be more interesting and fun. The problem with the traditional approach of learning is that it is lack in creativity and often hard to understand. This tend to make learning a bit difficult and boring. Traditional learning also lack in resource. This will make learning harder as students tend to be confuse and unable to understand the topic that they learn. With the help of multimedia which provide a lot of resource, learning could be fun and exciting experience. It will also help students to fully grasp an understanding of the subject that they learn. With the help of multimedia element, the educational system could evolved into that is much better that the traditional system.

Keywords: multimedia, education, traditional


Multimedia is defined as any combination of text, graphic, sound, video and animation. Multimedia can be delivered to user via electronic or digital manipulated means. In order to create a good multimedia project, you need to be creative, technical, organizational and business skills. When the user is allowed to control what and when these elements are delivered, it become an interactive multimedia. Interactive multimedia can be called hypermedia. This happened when a user is provided with a structure of linked elements for the use of navigation.

With the advancement of technology in this world, we can see that the world that we live in is changing rapidly and the field of education are one of the field that are growing to be much better. The old day education where the learning environment are passive is long gone. We can see that the use of multimedia in education has grown a lot in this recent year and is looking to expend ever further in the future.

Teacher primarily required resources in order to help students to understand better about the topic that they are learning. By enabling teacher to have access in multimedia learning resource, which help to support constructive concept development, allowing the teacher to be more focus to teaching the subject while working to help the students to understand the topic individually. The development of multimedia also help to ease learning by enabling students not to just learn in just school but also at home. This will potentially help students to improve their learning skills. With the help of multimedia elements, which is text, graphic, video, sound and animation, it can create an interactive learning environment that can help teacher and students teaching and learning.


The traditional education also know as conventional education is a long-established customs found in school that society has traditionally deemed appropriate. This type f education is more to teacher-centered that focused on rote learning and memorization. In the traditional learning, students are a passive absorbers of information and authority. They are less active in class and lack in problem solving skills. Furthermore, the traditional ways of learning are much more linear with factual accumulation and skill mastery while the new approach with the help of multimedia are non-linear, with one idea linked to another, allowing the learner to choose the path that they want to learn.

The traditional approach of learning also lack in resource. Knowledge can only be absorbed through lecture and textbook. By using multimedia, they will be much more resource that can be attain especially through the use of the internet. The traditional approach of learning is also less creative. The students are more passive as they lack in material resource needed in order to express their creativity. Such loop hole can make children to be less passionate and unmotivated to learn. This is why multimedia use in education is vital in education.


Multimedia is vital in our life. This is because it is pack with various elements such as text, graphic, sound, video and animation. All of this element can be seen in our surrounding. It is also used in various fields such as in education, training, business, games and science and technology. This is a proof that multimedia is important. In fact, multimedia is changing the ways of learning itself. Instead of just limiting you with a linear presentation such as reading text from a book, multimedia makes many improvement in learning by bringing various elements in order to make it more dynamic.

"Multimedia is a synthesis: a hybrid offering the advantages of the user-driven book with the wonders of electronic technology" -Robert Winter; UCLA Roundtable in Multimedia

Education courses, skills and knowledge are often taught in a context. To overcome this, the use of multimedia as education aids help to provide a real world example using a computer with high quality content. The various type of software available on the market can also help to provide a friendly interactive method of learning. Multimedia and tool such as the internet can provide teacher an instant excess to millions of resource available. These material can help the teacher to provide the students with cooperative learning, critical thinking, discussion, and problem solving. So, multimedia approach in education provide many advantage over the traditional method.


Multimedia elements can be use for many thing. With the help of a computer software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash you can create and combine various multimedia elements to create a great project. But, you must know each and every function of those multimedia elements so that you can applied it in your learning.

A. Text

Text are the most basic element in multimedia and it is very easy to use. But, you must not underestimate it because text can give the most impact on the quality of the multimedia interaction compared to the other elements. This is because text contain a lot of font. A font is a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family as shown in Figure 1.In general, text are used in order to provide important information. This is because text are more direct and easy to understand rather than the other multimedia elements. In learning, text are the most commonly used element. But, by using multimedia text, the word can be much more interesting rather that plain text thus increasing the learning effectiveness.

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